
double ear infection and snow day and funny bath!!!

Izzyboo was feeling kinda puny on Sunday, so I stayed home with her on Monday and took her to the doctor, and found out she has a double-ear infection. Now, I'm glad she's the type of kid to just be a little fussy when she's sick...she likes to keep to herself. I guess it's not all that bad...i mean this is only her 2nd confirmed ear infection, so no worries yet.

And, as the trend goes...once Izzy gets sick, then I get sick. This time is no different. I woke up Tuesday morning with the all-too-familiar scratch, sore throat...followed by the nose that is so stuffed that if I were to be kidnapped and duct tape put over my mouth, I would die because not one single molecule of air can get through. I went to work anyway, and took Izzyboo to daycare, but it was an early day. The daycare called and let me know that Izzy wasn't feeling all that great, and we had a big snowstorm on the way, so I left work a little early so I could get her and beat the storm. And I'm so thankful I did!!! We ended up getting almost a foot of snow!!! Here are some photos...

I was then sick with the nasty cold on Wednesday, which is kinda good because there's no way I could've made it out of the garage and through the neighborhood. So, Izzy and I just hung out all day. We did have another little photo session...here are some cute shots:

This is one of my favorites..

And this one too...such a great little smile..

I found these photos too...had completely forgotten that I took them, but too cute not to show...

Izzy is also VERY close to crawling...she's getting close to being mobile, and she's starting to pull herself up on things, as you can see by the following evidence:

This photo is completely overexposed...but you get the idea...

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