
Visit from Jared and Katie

On Sunday, my friend Katie and her little boy Jared came to hang out. Katie's husband needed some quiet time to study at home, and we thought it might be fun to work on our baby books. Plus, I hadn't seen Jared in awhile, and I don't think Katie had seen Izzy since she visited us in the hospital, so we thought this was a good opportunity. Unfortunately, Katie probably didn't get as much done with her books as she would've liked, but I don't think she cared too much...with a cute little bugger like Jared..it'd be hard to worry about anything!

During our visit, Katie was kind enough to let me take some photos of Jared. I've been using Izzy as my practice model so long that I thought it might be good for me to use a new subject (don't worry, Boo...you'll still have THOUSANDS of photos taken of you ! :)

Anyway, here are a few shots of Jared from the day...

He was such a willing model for me!!! All smiles...Thank you Jared and Katie!!!

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