
Radio Flyer

On Saturday, she was again, not a very happy little girl. We had decided to get her a Radio Flyer wagon, because she's been hating her stroller lately, and we figured this would make it more fun for her. So, when she got up from her nap, we decided to go to Southeastway Park for a little walk. She tolerated the wagon pretty well in the beginning, but then quickly withered. I'm thinking now that she was probably hungry, and that her fruit snacks just weren't tiding her over. I swear we feed this girl...she just doesn't eat much of it at the time and winds up being hungrier faster than we think (at least that's the latest theory floating around here...if you'e got any others I'd be THRILLED to hear them).

When we got there, we headed over to the playground area to see if she'd be interested. There were a lot of kids, but we managed to get in some runs on the slide:

AFter the slide, we headed out for our walk and everything is nice and peaceful...

And a video...

Here we are at a park on the southside with Murphy, Izzy and her new radio flyer...

Here she is playing with the rocks on the pavement walkway. She's actually trying to pick the rocks that are embedded in the asphalt...this girl LOVES herself some rocks!

She LOVES rocks...here she is trying to pick rocks up that are actually a part of the sidewalk....

I don't have a video of her melting down because it just wasn't fun. Needless to say she ended up taking a quick nap on the way home...guess that's what she needed!

1 comment:

Rebecca Kitts said...

So what's the deal with kids and rocks???