
Visit with Papaw and Aunt Bri

On Sunday morning, my dad called and said that he and my sister, Bri, were thinking about heading down here on his motorcycle. He's wanted to come down and ride with Joacim since he found out he got a bike, and it was such a perfect day on Sunday that they couldn't pass it up. I gotta hand it to my sister...I don't think I could've ridden that long on a bike. I mean, ALL THE WAY FROM NORTH OF WEST LAFAYETTE?? It took them about 2 1/2 hours one way!!! Kudos to you, little girl!!!

Once they arrived, they rested a bit and then Joacim and Dad headed off on a ride while Bri stayed here and played with Izzy. Once she woke up from her nap, she was all smiles for her Aunt Bri.

Cutest thing was when Dad got back...we were outside and he came out there...Izzy RAN right up to him with her arms wide open! Wish I would've had my camera for that! She hasn't seen him since her birthday, but I guess her memory is better than we thought!
Unfortunately, they couldn't stay too late since they had to bike all the way back home, but we were able to have dinner before they left.

Here are some photos of Bri and Dad and the bike. She decorated her helmet herself!

Once they left, we went out our nightly walk with Murphy. Here's a cute video of her after we got back. She and Murphy are becoming best buddies and here's why:

And here's Pappa having some fun..

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