
Izzy's 1-year doctor appointment

Izzy had her 1-year appointment today, and I'm happy to report that she's healthy as a horse.

Her stats:
19 lbs 6 oz (25th percentile)
28 3/4 inches long (almost 50th percentile)

She was a very good patient today! Goodness...she just woke up happy. And she was happy all day a daycare. These are the days that I sooo wish I could stay at home with her, but then again, maybe she wouldn't be so happy then :)

Anyway, she had a bunch of shots today and a finger prick, but luckily she won't have any more until pre-kindergarten (at least I think that's what they said). She cried a little, but luckily I had a fruit snack with me, so that made it allllll better.

Here she is with Joacim getting ready to have her height measured

Actually having her measurements taken

A little break

Now the weight

And now her heart

Not so happy about the ear check...probably residual from her ear infection

Thankfully we had her crocs. This is like candy for her...she LOVES her crocs, and absolutely MUST HAVE THEM ON IMMEDIATELY whenever she sees them. We used them to distract her :)

Here's a video of her before the doctor came in...she's sooo happy...(no idea what's happened to the thumbnail preview, but should still work when you click play)

Now for the doctor..yes, he's wearing a funny hat (and he almost always does this) and the kids love it. Izzy, of course, is suspicious...

Not quite sure yet, but she's starting to crack a smile..

You can't see it very well, but she did finally crack :)

And here she is getting her shots. Does this make me a bad mommy that I was taking photos of her while she's screaming in pain??? I don't think so...Pappa was there....besides, it's all part of the memories...

She also had to have her finger pricked for a hemoglobin test, and after it was done, it was still bleeding a lot, so they wrapped her up...

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