
Steroid update and Izzy's ENT appt.

Well, oddly enough...I'm not experiencing the same side effects (at least not in the same time frame) as the last time I took these damn pills. Which is great! But it's freaking me out too!

I know there are subtle changes....a little thickness in the neck and sides...tingling...weird little things. But I don't have any of the facial swelling yet that I did the last time, and it was around the 3-week mark that I saw it. Maybe it won't happen!!! I'm hoping!

I did have an appointment with my nephrologist on Wednesday, and he noticed that I had some glucose in my urine, which means my body's not processing sugar like it needs to. This likely indicates that my sugars are around 200 (which is not so good)...SOOOOOOO...maybe the diabetes is coming back. I'll start testing my sugars daily and probably do a glucose test in September. I hope I can handle this part of the ordeal better than the last time!

Oh, and we had an appointment with an ENT on Wednesday too (chock full-o-doctor's appointments on this day!). She still had some fluid on her ears from the last 2 infections, so it's looking like she's getting tubes...next Friday to be exact. We figured this is a better option than to keep treating her with oral antibiotics, so we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Always something....keeping you guys in our prayers.