
Holy crap...I'm tired...

This is, literally, the first time I've sat on the sofa this evening. And I'm pooped. And I'm not done yet but I just NEEDED a break....just for a minute.

I had delusional visions of grandeur in regards to everything I was going to get done this evening.

But Izzy's been...oh, how shall I say it? Difficult.

It's not her fault, of course...I realize that. Poor thing has a double ear infection, and this one seems to be giving her more issues than normal. It started Friday at daycare....lots of gooey green eye drainage.....YUCK! But when I picked her up she seemed to in a decent mood, so Joacim and I decided to go out to dinner. The wait was a bit longer than we had expected, and she started getting fussy, so I was feeding her every treat I had in my bag of tricks. Between that and the constant wiping of her runny nose, we were going nowhere but downhill....and FAST. Then she opened her mouth as she threw her head back in a tantrum, and that's when I noticed the enormous hold in her upper gum.....MOLARS! This kid has the strangest pattern of teeth coming in...she's got the 4 in front, 3 on the bottom, 1 in her upper right, and I noticed another molar on the left on Sunday. All in all...not such super news for Izzyboo. All of this ended up in a double ear infection by Monday.

So, I GET that she's difficult, but that doesn't necessarily make it any easier to deal with. Is it bad that I can't wait for her bedtime so I can have some quiet? I mean, the WHINING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I think she's going through a separation anxiety phase right now too. I mean, she's fine when we drop her off in the morning at daycare, but the moment we pick her up in the evening and come home, she pretty much wants to be held the ENTIRE time. And if I'm not holding her, then she's chasing me around the house with her arms in the air, eyes full of tears, nose full of snot....crying. She's gotten pretty dramatic in the tantrum department too. I hope I get this on video pretty soon...she's walking along, and then all of a sudden she drops to her knees, leans back and then throws herself forward on the ground...again, crying. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious. Such big-girl attitude from such a little thing.

All I can hope for is a better evening tomorrow. Joacim had some training up in Chicago today, so we've been flying solo this evening. Lucky for me I have a hair appointment tomorrow, so Pappa can get ALL THIS FUN!!!! (insert Dr. Evil laughter here ;)

1 comment:

Life Long Learner said...

Oh my, I remember those days. They will pass, but they are a bear to get through! Give Izzy a hug from me! Sure glad we were able to get together Saturday.