
Visit with Grandma and Marvin

Izzy and I drove Holly and Mick up to Lafayette so Holly's brother, Brock, could pick them up. While I was in the neighborhood, I decided to stop by to visit my Grandma and her husband, Marvin. They hadn't seen Izzy since Christmas (which I'm completely ashamed about....far too long). Anyway, here's some cute shots:

Here she is with Marvin. As soon as we got there and I set her on the floor, she crawled right up to him!

And then she spent some time hanging out on the floor, playing with a piece of paper (I won't fail to mention to her how easy she was to entertain when she's older :)

Now she's starting to warm up to Grandma. Food ALWAYS help.

Especially when you feed her..:)

Doesn't she look like such a big girl????

Grandma got a chance to feed Izzy finally. I've always been nursing at any of our other gatherings, so this was Grandma's first chance. Looks like she was enjoying herself...

It was a fun visit...we'll have to make it a point to get up there more often!

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