
sleep travels, EFRC charity, new jungle toy

Well, we've discovered one thing that little Miss Izzyboo has inherited from me (besides the crazy big hair), STINKY FEET! :O WOW! I even made sure to clean between each one of her tiny little toes, and to no avail!!! Ah well..at least she gets it honestly :)

So Izzy's been travelling in her sleep..by that I mean, we start her off in the middle, and who knows what position she's going to be in when I go and get her in the morning (if she's kind enough to bless us with an uninterrupted night's sleep!). Anyway, last week, this is what I saw when I walked in:

Yes, that's her feet hanging outside of the crib. This was too cute for me not to take a picture of!

Izzy's been eating really really well lately, and we've been trying new things here and there. I know that bananas are her favorite baby food, so I thought I'd try giving her a "real" banana. I got these little food holders with a mesh pocket that you can put real food in. It allows the baby to suck on the food, getting the Guess she wasn't quite ready for that, so I asked some of my friends, and they suggested the biter biscuits...just to get her used to feeding herself. And they were a success, as the following photos show:

These biscuit things are really messy, but she seemed to really like them, so who cares about the mess! I'll just make sure to give her one of these on bath night!

This past Saturday, the 3 of us went to a charity event for the Exotic Feline Rescue Center. You may remember our first visit there, detailed in this post. We are huge fans of what this center does, and wanted to do our part to help the cats. They had both a silent and a live auction, and we were fortunate enough to win something in the silent auction. It was a basket full of wildlife goodies for Izzy. Our friends, Miss and Brad, were winners in the silent AND live auction too! Here's a couple of photos:

And Joacim did an absolutely AMAZING thing....he adopted an animal as a gift to Izzyboo! Wow! What a wonderful thing to do. The money that Joacim donated will go toward giving George (that's Izzy's leopard) a bigger enclosure at the center. He's been thinking about this for quite awhile, and I'm happy for him that he was able to do this. I think he felt pretty good about it! Here's a photo of Joacim showing Izzy her new leopard!

I'm sensing that she's thinking about getting ready to crawl..or she's at least tired of being in one spot now. She's simply not satisfied with sitting on the floor by herself anymore, so of course, I got her a new toy. I was hoping that this could be something that might motivate her to want to move around and see the other side, and I'm sure it probably will in the future. Right now, she's not too sure about it, but she looked pretty happy in this photo:

If anyone has any good tips/suggestions for toys to get her, please please please leave a comment or email. I can't reply to comments (haven't figured that out in this blog host yet), but leave your email address if I don't have it and I'll get back to you.

I went on a picture-taking rampage this afternoon. I'd love to post some photos, 'cause I think I've got some good ones, but I'm not done with them yet, so you'll have to wait. I'm still figuring out my photo software...In the meantime, here's a cute one of her. I love this look on her face everytime she gives it to me (probably won't be saying that when she's older, but she can get away with it now :)...

Oh, and here's one of Izzy trying out the sippy cup. They started working with her at daycare, so I thought I'd help the cause. I put some juice in it, because I found out this weekend that she LOVES juice. She doesn't really drink very much during the day with me, so I wanted to figure out SOME way to get some liquid in her, and lucky enough she loves it.

Well, that's about it for this week's post...unless I get those photos done that I took today. Keep an eye out!

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