

Ok, so the game didn't turn out as we had hoped, but it still wasn't as bad as being beaten by a team like the Patriots or something. Good story with the Saints, and Purdue grad Drew Brees!
We stayed at home this year to watch the game...I think neither one of us had the energy to host a party, and I'm glad we did. Izzy was cracking us up. She stayed up until 10:00pm because neither one of us wanted to get off the sofa to put her to bed (bad parenting moment :)
She's big into jumping all over Mamma right now. If I'm sitting on the sofa with her, it's only a matter of time before she sits on my lap and starts jumping up and down and crawling all over me. I remember when she just started crawling, and I was thinking how much fun it would be when she was old enough to do this, and now that it's here, I realize that it hurts. :)

These videos show our attempts to get her to say "Go Colts"....pretty stinkin' cute

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