
Furniture "re-purposing"

Soooo...we've been talking about getting new furniture again. Sadly, we just got the leather set only a year and a half ago, but it's just not what we expected. Sure, it's great from a cleaning perspective, but it's not furniture that you can "sink" into and snuggle in. Luckily, we kept the red sofa we had previously, so we moved it back out into the living room for a trial run:

It's working out pretty nicely now. I don't think Joacim and I have sat on the same sofa at the same time in over a year! Sad, I know. I think Izzy and Murphy like it too! He seems to have settled in quite nicely, and she's made herself at home on the chaise lounge. She's actually hogging it up quite nicely! We'lll see how this goes, but for now, I'm REALLY REALLY happy we didn't get rid of the red sofa!

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