
EFRC Pumpkin Party

This past Saturday, we went to the annual Exotic Feline Rescue Center (EFRC) Pumpkin Party. For anyone that follows this blog, you may remember me posting about it last year right here. Last year, they estimated that there were 200 people attending.....this year there were 400! Great for the EFRC, since they are funded solely by donations and events like this...bad for us because we were at the back of the tour. Luckily we have seen it before.

Here's a great shot that Joacim got of the tiger jumping out of the water...

I was so curious to see how Izzy would react to the kitties. At first, she was curious, pointing to them and going "rar rar" (which is Izzy-speak for "Roar", as that's what we teach her that tigers and lions say). Anyway, all was fine and well until we got to the lioness enclosure. There is a definite pecking order there, and the ladies were squabbling, making all sorts of noise. I've got some cool video of it on my sister's camera, so as soon as she uploads them I'll post them. You can get a really good idea of how primal they are. I thought it was sooo cool....Izzy did not, and I ended up carrying her in the same sling as last year (great that she can still fit in it!)

Another great shot!

They're just so beautiful....

And comical....

She was fine once we got away from the cats

Here's Izzy with my sister and niece, Taylor. She (my niece) and my nephew, JT, spent the night at our house the previous night, and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of it.

This here is George. Joacim adopted George in Izzy's name at the EFRC charity auction earlier this year. The money goes to getting George and his roommates a bigger encloser. He's a beautiful cat too, and I kinda like to think that he's posing for me here.

And here's a family portrait taken by my friend, Missie. Thanks Missie!!! (and yes, my face is enormous...I know...steroids are a bitch.)

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