
ISR - End of Week 4

We just finished up week 4 this past Friday. On Monday, I really thought we had "turned the corner" so-to-speak on the crying-thing. She was happy, laughing with Barb....nary a sad peep came out of her mouth. Then Tuesday and Wednesday, there was a new little girl before her, and HOLY COW this girl was a screamer!! And I think Izzy began sympathy crying with her :) And Izzy doesn't seem to like it when Barb throws new things at her, which she tried this week.

Here she is ready for the lesson to begin. She likes to peek around the corner and watch whoever is in the pool before her...

This is a familiar face...she still has trouble with the bar and pulling herself up on it. Clearly, NOT HAPPY.

But she sure is good about sticking her head in the water and swimming when prompted. Her little right leg, you'll notice, is straight. It stays that way most of the lesson. She's pretty good with only kicking one leg, so we're figuring she's figured that out too, and doesn't feel much of a need to try with her right one ;)

Barb makes a humming noise to let Izzy know that she's getting ready to swim, and Izzy will put her head in the water (even in mid-cry)

Here she is trying to roll over from a swimming face-down position. This is scary to watch, because ever bone in my body wants to jump in there and help her, but it's so fantastic when she does it all by herself...

And she's floating!!!!

More practice rolling. The goal at the end of this class is to have Izzy swim for 3-4 seconds, then roll over on her back and float to rest for a few seconds, and then roll over on her stomach again and swim, with the goal of getting to the side of the pool. Feels like we have a long way to go, but there's definitely progress being made.

Sad, but cute.

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