We had a bit of cabin fever today, so we decided to take Izzy to the zoo. Now, I know, it's not much fun for her, but it was necessary for my sanity's sake to go, and it was surprisingly quiet there. I had expected it to be really busy, because it was a cool day, and it was a holiday. Guess everyone was busy with other holiday festivities. We had a nice time, and it was really great to get out for some fresh air. Plus, the cooler temperatures made the animals a bit more active than usual, which is always more fun. Here's a photo of Izzy and Joacim at the zoo...
Once we got home, I decided it was time to try a bottle. I wanted to wait until Izzy was fully established with breastfeeding (which she is), and I figured that it might be good to try it today since we have a long weekend. I had read a lot that it shouldn't be the mom giving the baby the bottle, as he/she might not take it, so I wanted to make sure that we would have some time to get her to take a bottle if we needed it. Luckily, Izzy doesn't seem to mind. She took right to it! I would only put an ounce in at a time because I didn't want to waste the breastmilk I had pumped, but I couldn't hardly even videotape the event before she had finished it and was wanting more!!! Thank goodness she's a good eater! Here's a little video of Joacim feeding Izzy for the first time...
I decided to try to start working on this whole photography thing again, and luckily I have a willing (okay, maybe unknowing) subject in Izzy. I LOVE taking pictures, and really wish I could be good enough to make a living at this, because it's something I truly enjoy. That will probably never happen, but I'd still like to get much better at taking photos. Here are a couple of Izzy from this week:
Miss Isabelle looks older already! Cutie Patutie!
Is that an animal print sleeper she has on at the zoo?
If you need another subject for your photography Cristian is always available!!!!
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