
Little Miss Helpful

Izzy's been quite entertaining lately.  She LOVES to play dress-up, and goes through several wardrobe changes throughout the day.  She's also getting more into her baby dolls, which is fun to watch.  Here's Cinderella getting ready to change Baby Doll (yes, that's it's name)

We're on a mission to clean out the freezer before we move, and so I was trying to figure out what to make with some pie crust and fruit, so I decided to make a mixed-berry galette.  Izzy was very helpful with the egg wash.

Not too bad for a thrown-together dessert :)

1 comment:

Rob Monroe said...

So glad when the younger ones get in the kitchen - Abby helps with dinner on occasion, but whenever there is a dessert in process she is front and center. Bummer that there was no spoon licking in your project this week! :)