
ISR - End of Week 1

We finished up week 1 of Izzy's ISR classes, and I'm still terribly impressed. By Wendesday, she was putting her face in the water and kicking her little arms and legs. At the end of the week, she was a bit more tired and slowing down a bit, but all-in-all it was GREAT! I've got a few videos to show...
The lesson starts out with some bar work...getting Izzy to see the bar underwater and grab onto it, pulling herself up. Sometimes she has a hard time and tries to use her feet against the side of the pool.

Izzy gets REALLY full of air, and she's not much of a burper, which ends up making her really bloated and cranky. That's why this burp was such a treat!

Then Barb works on Izzy grabbing her hand underwater, eventually moving to rolling...

At this point in the lesson, she's tired. We think she's saying "OUT" as in "I want out!!!"

Adn this is the best part of the lesson for her....THE END. It's a little weired how she just lays there, but she's gotta be EXHAUSTED. It's a good 7-8 minutes of intense work!

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