
How could something that looks this sweet be so......not.

Ahhh...I thought my nights filled with the sounds of a screeching child were over...little did I know that Izzy didn't quite realize this!

This was back on July 12-13, so forgive me for my tardiness...it's just that I still don't think I've caught back up on sleep since this night. I remember being able to pull all-nighters in college, work 3rd shift at Frito and not sleep and STILL go out on a Friday night. Man, those days are LONG GONE, my friend. I am OLD.

I don't even remember all of the details of this night...I only remember being awake from 2-5am...I watched a lot of TV, listened to a lot of screaming, got head-butted a few times by a very tired but determined toddler. You all know how much it hurts to have your chest thumped by the back of a kid's head...yeah, it was one of those nights. No idea why, and thankfully it didn't last, but it was PAINFUL, and made me thankful for every night she falls asleep.

I took these shots of her FINALLY SLEEPING in the morning. This was her final resting place before peaceful slumber...

And do you know what??? She woke up, happy as can be...of course, SHE got to take a 2 hour nap at daycare. I seriously think this is something that companies should think of supporting...on the job naptime!

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