
Izzy and her Bumpo seat

Lately, when we lay her down to change her diaper or put her in her bouncy seat, her little legs go straight up in the air and she tries to lift her body up like she's really trying to sit up. Even the daycare mentioned it today, and since the daycare has been using the Bumpo seat for Izzy, I thought I'd try it at home, and I LOVE it! I had her in it for almost half an hour yesterday...which was enough time to take some cute pictures and eat some pizza! We set it down on the floor by the kitchen table while we ate, and she patiently sat there and looked up at us. I figure it's a lot like tummy time in that she's really working her neck and back muscles to look up at us (without all of the screaming that normally comes with actual tummy time :) Anyway, here are a few photos...

It looks like she's seen a ghost! :)

She is too cute here....

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